Okay, now for the more detailed background info ...
As a kid growing up I always loved to draw, build things, and simply CREATE (I made some killer Star Wars spaceships from toilet paper tubes that I'm pretty proud of). I had a passion for art and even won a few local art contests here and there. But by the time I was in college, my focus had taken a complete 180 and I ended up studying Nutritional Sciences. It was during my junior year though, when my roommate, who was a design major, helped re-ignite my love for design. I ultimately ended up graduating UCONN with a degree in Communication Sciences, but I tried fitting in as many graphic design and HTML programming courses in as I possibly could before I graduated. 
My first "real" job (besides working at more restaurants than I can even count) was at a consulting firm, Peppers & Rogers Group, where I was responsible for coding their e-newsletters. With that, I got the opportunity to flex my design muscles a bit when the need arose. It was then that the company's lead designer noticed my potential and pulled me over to work for the firm's design team full time.
After leaving Peppers & Rogers Group (where I met my wife actually), I ended up getting my first agency job with RAPP (known at the time as Rapp Collins) in New York City. I was there for quite a few years, mastering my craft and working on a variety of campaigns. The majority of my experience there was spent working on pharmaceutical accounts, but I got to dip my toes into many other different types of industries and accounts as well. 
Eventually, I became a dad and decided to take my skills back home to Connecticut where I got a job at Ryan Partnership. My focus at Ryan shifted more towards CPG and mainly worked on Hellmann's, Breyer's, and other Unilever brands. I helped launch a bunch of sweepstakes, social campaigns, and create some really cool in-store materials.
Ryan Partnership was eventually acquired by Epsilon while also merging with another agency, Catapult. And after even more acquisitions and leadership changes, the company name on my paycheck would eventually change from Epsilon to Publicis Groupe to Hawkeye to ultimately Razorfish. 
Throughout all my years of experience, I've been blessed to work on a diverse range of exciting brands, work with a lot of great teams, make great friends, and also develop skills that enable me to adapt to pretty much any type of task that falls in my lap.

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